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Opening Hrs: Mon - Fri: 08:00am to 6:00pm
Service MOT Repairs Ltd Unit 5 Gatelodge Close, Round Spinney Industrial Estate, Northampton, NN3 8RJ.
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Northampton Van Servicing

Northampton van servicing

If you drive a van for work, you will know how crucial it is to your business to keep it running in top condition. Small problems can easily accumulate and become much larger issues, particularly for people who feel they don’t have the time to have their van regularly serviced. Here at Service MOT Repairs, we can offer a fast, cost effective, and thorough van service to get you and your business back on the road as soon as possible.

Our van service includes:

Pre Engine Checks .

Check Vehicle History.

Check timing belt replacement history……..miles……..years (if applicable).

Check for damage to bodywork, lamps, trims and oil level.

Fit protective covers.

Check condition and operation of all seat belts.

Check operation of interior and exterior lights.

Check operation of ABS and air bag warning lights.

Check air conditioning operation including bad odour. Record temperature. …….’c

Check windscreen washers and wipers.

Check horn.

Check operation of suspension dampers.

Lubricate all door hinges, locks and bonnet catches.

Apply liquid moly treatments to remove internal contamination.

Check fuel cap.

Under the bonnet.

Check cooling system including fan operation.

Check and record antifreeze protection. Recommend change every 4 years.

Check and record brake fluid condition. Recommended change 2 yearly.

Check all auxiliary drive belts (not timing belt).

Check engine breather system.

Check vacuum pipes.

Check power steering operation and fluid condition.

Check throttle body.

Check battery condition and lubricate terminals.

Check and top up all under bonnet fluid levels.

Replace air filter.

Replace spark plugs. Petrol only (additional costs apply for more than 4 cylinders).

Replace fuel filter (excludes lifetime fitment).

Replace pollen filter (if applicable).

Vehicle Raised.

Change oil, filter and fit new sump plug washer.

Check fuel lines and brake pipes.

Check condition and security of the exhaust.

Check and top up axle and transfer box oil levels (if applicable).

Check and top up gearbox oil level.

Check all steering and suspension joints, mounting and gaiters.

Carry out tyre report.

Check all wheel bearings for excessive ‘play’ and noise (adjust if applicable).

Check CV gaiters and joints for wear or splits.

Check clutch cable/cylinder.

Grease all greasing points (if applicable).

Check operation and condition of front brakes. Record measurements.

Check operation and condition of rear brakes Record measurements (including handbrake).

Carry out brake report.

Vehicle Lowered.

Refill engine with specific grade oil…………….w………………

Torque wheel nuts/studs. Replace locking wheel nut on passenger seat (if applicable).

Carry out diagnostic check.

Reset service indicator.

Road test vehicle and report and findings.

Re-check engine oil level.

Ensure all upholstery, gear lever, steering wheel etc are clean.

Stamp service book(s).

Our van service is designed to keep you and your van on the road. We know how important your van is to your business, and our priority is ensuring that your van is in peak working order.

If you would like to know exactly what is included for your specific van make and model, why not call in or give us a call on 01604 491011 and one of the Service MOT Repairs team will be happy to help you decide which of our van service packages will best suit your needs.